Art meets technology

Under this mot­to, GEMAC will open its doors for the 5th time on 23 Sep­tem­ber as part of the late shift (Chem­nitz Indus­tri­al Her­itage Days) and will be trans­formed into a tech­nol­o­gy gallery for an evening.

Inter­est­ed vis­i­tors can expe­ri­ence the tech­nol­o­gy at the loca­tion of the micro­elec­tron­ics com­pa­ny by means of tech­ni­cal exhibits from the artist’s point of view. The employ­ees of the Chem­nitz-based com­pa­ny are par­tic­u­lar­ly look­ing for­ward to pre­sent­ing the prod­ucts of their cus­tomers, which are devel­oped and man­u­fac­tured at GEMAC, in the tech­nol­o­gy gallery set up espe­cial­ly for this evening.

All vis­i­tors will be amazed where the know-how of GEMAC can be found every­where. Not only in every­day devices, agri­cul­tur­al and con­struc­tion machin­ery, but also in med­ical tech­nol­o­gy and in the field of renew­able energies.

Vis­i­tors can accom­pa­ny the entire assem­bly process of print­ed cir­cuit boards dur­ing pro­duc­tion. In addi­tion, this year GEMAC is once again offer­ing a hand­i­craft street, where vis­i­tors can sol­der their own sou­venirs / make their own sou­venirs — in keep­ing with the slo­gan “Art meets technology”.

This event also offers the per­fect set­ting to test your own skills in han­dling a sol­der­ing iron and to get a taste of the excit­ing pro­fes­sion of an elec­tron­ics tech­ni­cian. If you are gen­er­al­ly inter­est­ed in train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties in a region­al medi­um-sized tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny, you will find the appro­pri­ate con­tact per­sons here.

About the GEMAC — Gesellschaft für Mikroelek­tron­ikan­wen­dung Chem­nitz mbH

GEMAC cur­rent­ly employs more than 90 peo­ple, pri­mar­i­ly in elec­tron­ics pro­duc­tion and devel­op­ment. The Chem­nitz-based elec­tron­ics company’s main areas of busi­ness are smart sen­sor solu­tions and diag­nos­tic devices for field­bus sys­tems on the one hand, and the devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of print­ed cir­cuit boards and elec­tron­ic mod­ules for med­ical tech­nol­o­gy and indus­try on the oth­er. In accor­dance with the cre­do “Made in Ger­many”, GEMAC devel­ops, man­u­fac­tures and dis­trib­utes prod­ucts of the high­est qual­i­ty at fair prices.