Art meets technology
Under this motto, GEMAC will open its doors for the 5th time on 23 September as part of the late shift (Chemnitz Industrial Heritage Days) and will be transformed into a technology gallery for an evening.
Interested visitors can experience the technology at the location of the microelectronics company by means of technical exhibits from the artist’s point of view. The employees of the Chemnitz-based company are particularly looking forward to presenting the products of their customers, which are developed and manufactured at GEMAC, in the technology gallery set up especially for this evening.
All visitors will be amazed where the know-how of GEMAC can be found everywhere. Not only in everyday devices, agricultural and construction machinery, but also in medical technology and in the field of renewable energies.
Visitors can accompany the entire assembly process of printed circuit boards during production. In addition, this year GEMAC is once again offering a handicraft street, where visitors can solder their own souvenirs / make their own souvenirs — in keeping with the slogan “Art meets technology”.
This event also offers the perfect setting to test your own skills in handling a soldering iron and to get a taste of the exciting profession of an electronics technician. If you are generally interested in training opportunities in a regional medium-sized technology company, you will find the appropriate contact persons here.
About the GEMAC — Gesellschaft für Mikroelektronikanwendung Chemnitz mbH
GEMAC currently employs more than 90 people, primarily in electronics production and development. The Chemnitz-based electronics company’s main areas of business are smart sensor solutions and diagnostic devices for fieldbus systems on the one hand, and the development and production of printed circuit boards and electronic modules for medical technology and industry on the other. In accordance with the credo “Made in Germany”, GEMAC develops, manufactures and distributes products of the highest quality at fair prices.